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Jedynym prawdziwym wrogiem człowieka jest jego własny ucywilizowany umysł, jego własny rodzaj ludzki … QS


The only true enemy of a man is his own civilized mind, his own mankind race… QS

Walk through the fire.










Don't poison me with your corrupted thinking, Ignorance and superficiality

Don’t look at me like I am a freak of Nature, Dirt of a nation, the insanity

Don’t push me around, like I’m less of a man, Have no human rights and should be left behind

Don’t enslave me, step aside, Please allow me to my own mind   


I will walk through the fire

Walk until I’m burned

Scream out loud with all my chest

Until I loose my breath

I will not refuse to be

What I’m suppose to be

Will Stand in rising waters

Until I sink


Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah….



I’m not afraid of my own thinking

I’m not afraid of my own heart

I’m not afraid of walking bare feet

I don’t fear anything but one, A Man Kind

lyric: ShataQS

music: ShataQS & Łukasz Damrych

Arangement: Łukasz Damrych

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